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Integrate with sklearn

Using this SDK, you can easily pull down the data from Nyckel, and analyze it using sklearn, or any other library you'd like.

from nyckel import TextClassificationFunction, Credentials

credentials = Credentials(client_id = "", client_secret = "")

function_id = ""
func = TextClassificationFunction(function_id, credentials)
samples = func.list_samples()
samples = [s for s in samples if s.annotation] # Only keep annotated samples
samples = [s for s in samples if s.prediction] # Only keep predicted samples
y_true = [s.annotation.label_name for s in samples]
y_pred = [s.prediction.label_name for s in samples]

# From here, you can use any of the sklearn metrics you'd like. For example:

from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, ConfusionMatrixDisplay
cm = ConfusionMatrixDisplay.from_predictions(y_true, y_pred)

For example, this is the confusion matrix for our public IsToxic function

confusion matrix